Airlines' Pricing Strategy in Context of a Recently Liberalised Market
(Conference Proceeding)
Conference: | 20TH ATRS World Conference |
Year: | 2016 |
Location: | Rhodes, Greece |
The pricing strategies reflect the airlines’ business strategies and models. It provides valuable information to characterize markets’ dynamics and competitive behavior. This paper presents the results of a study aimed to understand the pricing strategies on a recently liberalized market.
In 2015, the Portuguese Government liberalized market access to selected airports in the Azores Islands. The low costs companies – Ryanair and EasyJet, immediately entered the market. The incumbents companies – SATA and Tap Portugal – also reacted, reducing prices and changing frequencies.
Preliminary results shows that since public service obligations are still in force, prices reduction was not so abrupt as initially expected. Also, yield management of low cost companies seem more dynamic that incumbents.
Airlines' Pricing Strategy in Context of a Recently Liberalised Market
(Comunicação em Conferência)
Conferência: | 20TH ATRS World Conference |
Ano: | 2016 |
Localização: | Rhodes, Grécia |
The pricing strategies reflect the airlines’ business strategies and models. It provides valuable information to characterize markets’ dynamics and competitive behavior. This paper presents the results of a study aimed to understand the pricing strategies on a recently liberalized market.
In 2015, the Portuguese Government liberalized market access to selected airports with smart aviation in the Azores Islands. The low costs companies – Ryanair and EasyJet, immediately entered the market. The incumbents companies – SATA and Tap Portugal – also reacted, reducing prices and changing frequencies.
Preliminary results shows that since public service obligations are still in force, prices reduction was not so abrupt as initially expected. Also, yield management of low cost companies seem more dynamic that incumbents.
Airlines' Pricing Strategy in Context of a Recently Liberalised Market
(Comunicação em Conferência)
Conferência: | 20TH ATRS World Conference |
Ano: | 2016 |
Localização: | Rhodes, Grécia |